By Albrecht Jung GmbH & Co. KG
The time of candles is long gone. Today we enter rooms and touch or turn small plastic surfaces to operate the electric light, blinds, climate control or media systems.

These switches have become a natural vocabulary of interior design and exist in great variety in terms of form, material or technology. The JUNG UNIQUE switch range presented here now offers a new functional additional service: The switches take on a room or function-related communication. They can even be individually designed by the customer himself using printing and laser processes – as shown here, for example, by Studio Komo – and guide the interior design down to the last detail. For use in offices, conference rooms, hotels, public buildings or educational establishments, they signal by means of lettering, signs or graphics, factually, humorously or artistically, what can or should happen in the respective room. An ingenious solution, also to make it easier for people unfamiliar with the area to find their way around.

Product name JUNG UNIQUE
Product type Switch range JUNG LS 990
Measurements depending on the selected switch model up to 70x70 cm
Market launch 2022
Place of manufacture Schalksmühle, Lünen (D)
Retail price depending on the chosen process and material
Albrecht Jung GmbH & Co. KG
Contact manufacturer

Volmestraße 1

58579 Schalksmühle


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