Location Madrid, Spain
The office is organised by a road junction around which all the office spaces are distributed.

imposing skyscraper

The building is imposing: a skyscraper characterised by vertical ribbon windows in the centrally located Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso in Madrid. ARQUID, a local architecture and design office, was commissioned to design a section of the floor plan on the 31st floor of the Picasso Tower – for the Spanish branch of the London-based foreign exchange company Monex Europe. 42 permanent workstations were to be accommodated on 400 square metres – with the prospect of future expansion.

quality concept

To achieve this, the planners divided the limited floor space, typical of a high-rise building in a large city, into a street-like system. Anyone stepping out of one of the lifts in the access core of the high-rise building does not step into a dark corridor, but instead experiences a light-flooded open-plan space with white ceilings and a light-coloured floor. The floor plan features wall panelling clad in warm wood veneer, partition walls and singularly perceptible functional cells. Thanks to the convincing new interior design, one forgets the confinement and anonymity of a standard floor. From the entrance, those entering stand directly on the internal street system, which forms an intersection in the centre and is quickly described in its planning logic – an indication of the quality of the concept: at the ends of the pathways are small meeting booths or meeting/conference rooms, and at the very end in the west you reach the staff canteen, which is understood as a “social hub” and is connected to a relaxation lounge with a table tennis table. Separated by large glass walls are the three multi-purpose offices, in which different departments are located. The employees can spread out in a team-orientated manner at the work desks arranged in rows. The two access routes are flanked on the walls by cleverly designed built-in elements, in which telephone boxes, meeting booths, storage facilities and lockers are integrated. The clients hope that the panoramic view over the centre of Madrid and directly onto the lively Castellana Avenue or the Estadio Santiago Barnabeu will have an additional dynamic effect on the users of this Best Workspace.

"This project was not just about designing, but about crafting an environment where people would thrive, connect, and create together. A great journey of creative exploration we are happy to have been part of."

What do you consider to be the key qualities of a good workplace?
Sonia Mañé: To create an effective workspace, we must prioritize employee comfort and wellbeing, as they are crucial for a company’s productivity. Providing a comfortable environment that fosters creativity and personal development is fundamental when designing an office. Critical elements include good lighting, different spaces for work and leisure, as well as ergonomic furniture solutions. Additionally, a commitment to accessibility, functionality, and a visually pleasing environment that enhances satisfaction and sparks creativity is essential.
Do you see any similarities in interior design for living and working?
Certainly. In fact, in our own offices, we’ve deliberately created an environment that combines the comfort of home with the functionality of workspaces. When we approach office design, we base it on three fundamental concepts: health, creativity, and efficiency. Our aim is to craft spaces with atmospheres that make people feel comfortable and secure, as if they were in their own homes. This approach has been proven to enhance their well-being, satisfaction, and, most importantly, productivity. It also fosters team spirit and creative potential.
Which functional aspects are the most important for you in the future development of workspaces?
Flexibility, adaptability and sustainability. There’s an awareness across the industry, including educational programs in universities, regarding the necessity of updating spaces, especially in residential settings. However, we firmly believe that this trend should extend to workspaces as well. The continuous changes in our lives are frequently influenced by the working conditions we are subjected to, so work significantly influences our daily routine just as much as our personal or private spaces. Therefore, shouldn’t we take a more proactive approach in revamping and enhancing our workspaces?

ClientMonex Europe
ArchitectsARQUID SLP
Project typeModification/rebuilding
Gross floor area m2400
Number of employees42
LightingVibia Plusminus
AcousticsIn the bustling workplace located on the 31st floor of Madrid's distinguished Picasso tower, noise protection takes center stage in the design. To ensure a conducive environment for productivity, various strategies are employed. Soundproofing materials like acoustic panels and ceiling tiles are thoughtfully integrated to absorb excess noise, while well-planned office layouts and enclosed meeting spaces minimize sound transmission between departments. Open space acoustics are improved through strategic furniture arrangements and sound masking systems, creating a more peaceful background.
Workspace FurnitureOndarreta, Hari Chair
Conference Furniture-
Lounge Furniture-
TechnologyThe domotic solution by Picasso Tower & Elecnor
Best workspaces initiators